- American Airlines Group has largest number of regional flights in total as well as percentage of its total departures. However, the picture changes when you filter only on 50 seat gauge departures. You can select the gauge in the Flights by Gauge chart below and see impact on other charts.
- United Airlines has almost twice as many 50 seat departures compared to American and Delta. This is consistent with the recent aircraft deal rational announced by United in early July 2021.
- Small Single Class regional jets still represent 25% of the domestic departures for the legacy carriers. Currently, there is no replacement for the small regional jets and likely these flights will either go away or get upgauged if there is enough demand.
- Most small jets fly less than 500 mile stage length. However, all the talk about electrification of regional flying might be pre-mature since none of the platforms have over 60-70 mile range at a much smaller gauge. Likely, electric aircraft will focus on niche markets such as urban transportation in congested areas.
- Airlines may still have a role to play in operating small electric aircraft. They will likely to partner with other operators for feed than take on that very small portion of flying themselves.